Novel Writing: How do you name your characters?

What should you name your darlings? (Check out this cool blog.) Should your characters have names that are easy to pronounce? I read Game of Thrones, where there was an overabundance of characters with hard-to-pronounces names, yet the fantasy world begs for fantastic names. There are a few easy names as well: Robb Stark, Jon Snow. My current work is a fantasy novel where all the names are short: Po, Nic, Tip, Dee. How do you name your “babies?”

I’d love to hear from you.

Keep writing & keep sharing! – Cronin Detzz

Johnny Reads

Photo Credit: YA Highway

If you all haven’t noticed I love my posts to ask you questions about books or writing or publishing or something in between. It gives me a chance to interact with every one of you who chooses to offer your insight. And I do mean insight, because yes I’ve written a book that I love and am working on my second, but I’m always looking for advice on how I can become a better writer and I’ve already gotten so much from you guys just in the last month or so from your comments and feedback. So let’s talk about naming characters, shall we?

There are SO many aspects to a good book, right? The first line. The title. The people who made it happen behind the scenes. The storyline. The dialogue. AND the names of all the characters. I would never go so far as…

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